¡Hola, Guapa!, Edición No. 1: Getting Started, English, Healthy Body

Ready to Start a Healthy Lifestyle? ¡Orale, Pues!

The cochitos, empanadas and tamales of Christmas are long gone and your skinny jeans make you feel like a chorizo. You feel motivated to kick off a new routine with a bang.

¡Eso! You’re ready to start a healthy lifestyle.

Research on the subject of “change” tells us that many people don’t succeed at making healthy changes because they are simply not ready. Being ready to make a healthy change is the key to success.

Find Out if You’re Ready to Start a Healthy Lifestyle

Starting a healthy lifestyle takes commitment. Do you want to know if you’re ready?

To increase your chances of success, say it to yourself: “I am ready to make this change. ¡Estoy lista!”

Then take this short true/false quiz to help you find out if you’re truly ready for healthy changes:

  1. True or false: I have been thinking about making some healthy changes for at least a month.
  2. True or false: I have identified one small change I would like to make.
  3. True or false: Making this change will help me feel better about myself.
  4. True or false: I intend to take action to make this change in the next 30 days.
  5. True or false: I know that it might take time to make this change but I am determined to keep trying.

If you answered “True” to three or more of these, ¡Eso! You’re ready to start a healthy lifestyle. If you answered “False” to three or more, you’re probably not quite ready to make a change.

Explore how De Las Mías can help you become healthier and happier.

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