¡Hola, Guapa!, English, Healthy Comadres

Standing Up and Speaking Out: Calladitas No More


Standing Up and Speaking Out – Calladitas No More

Two years ago, my sister Lori and I attended the #WeAllGrow Summit in Long Beach, California. The first thing we saw when we approached the conference center were banners emblazoned all over the space with – “Calladitas No More.”

That sentiment stands up against the old dicho, “Calladita me veo más bonita.” Now there’s an old salt that needed to be re-written, and it was a powerful experience to have our sisters, comadres and amigas at the #WeAllGrow summit challenge it in such a powerful way – “Calladitas, No More!”

More and more, Latinas are standing up and speaking out,  and we are filled with pride when we witness it.

“Calladita me veo más bonita” is one of those dichos of subtle and not so subtle oppression that has been part of our Latina narrative for centuries. It means, “You look prettier when you’re quiet.” Sit in the corner nodding and smiling while others with more authority, and usually male, have the floor. It goes along with being diplomatic, polite, and lady-like. In days gone by, when someone said something that offended you, you just smiled and tried to look pretty. That’s the nugget of “wisdom” encased in that dicho.  If you grew up in a traditional Latino household you may be familiar with it. 

My sister and I were both familiar with that dicho.  That’s why laughed out loud when we saw “Calladitas No More!” all over the place that week end.

We remembered our Tía Chiqui who says, “Calladita me veo mas bonita,” every time someone asks her a question about politics. Thankfully, times have changed, comadres, and we don’t need to be quiet any more.  

Latinas are standing up and speaking out. 

There are many Latinas out there in our crazy world living the “Calladitas No More” life. Here are some of our favorites:

  1. For our Comadres at Mamás con Poder, Calladitas No More means advocating for the rights of immigrant children. @mamasconpoder
  2. For our Comadres at #WeAllGrow Latina, it means volunteering to be a translator for immigrant parents that are trying to find their children. @weallgrowlatina
  3. For our body positive super mujeres, it means speaking truth to The Beauty Myth power. @rosiemolinary
  4. For every day moms who are tired of the schools feeding your children junk, it means walking into the principal’s office and requesting that they feed your children healthier food which includes, fresh fruits and vegetables.
  5. For those of us who are trying to improve the way we eat, it means telling our families that we are on a journey to a healthy life and that we would appreciate their support. 
  6. For your beloved Tía who insists on you having that third tamal, it means giving yourself permission to say, “No gracias, Tía. I already had two.”
  7. For the guy at work that rubs against you every time he passes by your workstation, it means speaking up to him directly if it’s safe, or asking for help from an ally if it’s not. #metoo – #yabasta

Speak Up. Stand Out.

Calladitas No More is an empowering dicho to keep in mind every time you are afraid to Stand Up for yourself. Speak Out and tell the world what is on your mind. Stand up, amigas, hermanas and comadres. You don’t have to be calladita anymore. Speak out. 

Have you had a Calladita No More moment lately?  Please share it with us!


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